Joy Is... Ecstasy Is...
From my collection of poems titled “Eulogy for an Old Lover and Other Poems.”
Joy is…
the holding of hands as we sit on the hood of our car
under a night sky spread above us, with an array of stars
beginning to appear as the blue hour fades into night,
scattered from horizon to horizon, framing the top
of mountains in the distance,
sitting in a dark silhouette.
Ecstasy is…
the whoosh of air blowing through
your hair, in tangles,
from cars racing up and down the interstate,
and you let out a laugh,
and you let go of my hand to stand up on the side of the desert road and begin to profess
with a yell,
arms outstretched at the night,
your love
for the sky, and the stars, and the night, and the unseen moon, and the unseen sun,
and to our Creator, Who is unseen but seen—
Who gave us this gift of the moment, where
your joy,
your ecstasy,
my passion,
my everything
that I express through my one long, soulful kiss, to your tender lips.
This poem and others like it can be found in the following collection, Eulogy for an Old Lover and Other Poems, available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.