About World as Ecstasy

World as Ecstasy is a newsletter by V. E. Mares, inspired by the section with the same name in Alan Watts' book Nature, Man, and Woman.

In that section, Watts explores—from a Taoist perspective on the universe—the notion of ecstasy and its connection to sexuality, critiquing the Christian concept of sex as sinful and advocating for a more natural and intuitive approach, where pain is not viewed as a punishment but rather as a potential catalyst for a profound experience that generates a sense of transcendence bordering on the mystical.

In this newsletter, Marés uses Watt's approach to explore, within the context of BDSM, provocative themes and ideas such as unconventional love and romance and the complexities of human desire and relationships through the stories he writes, the pictures he takes, and the music he remixes and creates.

Subscribe to World as Ecstasy

A newsletter by V. E. Marés dedicated to exploring provocative ideas related to love and desire in relationships, focusing on consensual power dynamics.


V. E. Marés is an author, photographer, and electronic musician from Brooklyn, NY, now based in Austin, TX.